Dawn Duellists Fee Structure 2024

These are the full details of the DDS pricing structure for this year.

Free Session and Trial Period

New fencers can attend our monthly beginners night for free. They can then attend at the drop in rate for a month, after which they will need to become members to continue attending.

Monthly Subscription

The easiest way to pay for DDS classes is with a monthly subscription. All subscriptions include your membership of DDS.

£33 – Two sessions a week
Attend any two of our Sabre, Longsword or Freeplay classes a week.

£45 – Three sessions a week
Attend any three of our Sabre, Longsword or Freeplay classes a week.

Payment Details
Name: Dawn Duellists Society
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account number: 48081168
Date: 5th of every month
reference: DDSmonthly


For those who choose not to commit to a monthly subscription.


Can be bought for the calendar year at £3 per month, £36 for the year.

Ten Session Cards

If you are not sure you’ll attend regularly enough to make monthly payments worthwhile, members may purchase a ten session payment card for £80.

Single Session

Single session attendance costs £10.


If you are interested in attending but feel you cannot afford these rates, please contact us and see if we can arrange a concessionary price. Fencing is fun, and we want to do it with as many people as possible.